sammy 's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

A-Z survey about me (get to know me!)

A - Age?: 17 and a half B)

B - Best Friend?: my friend of 8 years [REDACTED] >ᴗ<

C - Car You Drive?: I'm gonna drive my dads white pick up truck once I get my license!

D - Day or Night?: night because I like when the house gets dark and quiet.

E - Easiest Person To Talk To?: me! I'd like to think.

F - Food (Favorite)?: egg 🥚

G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms?: I've only eaten gummy worms so..

H - Hair Color: red that faded into dookie brown and black roots :(

I - Ice Cream (Favorite)?: anything with caramel I CRAVEE

J - Juice (Favorite)?: orange but not the artificial ones, fresh off the fruit!

K - Kids (Do You Have Any)?: no..

L - Longest Relationship?: my only ex of 6 months :P

M - Movie Last Watched?: rewatched super bad

N - Name?: sam! but i like being called sammy cause it doesn't sound so serious.

O - Outgoing?: once you approach me and the conversation keeps going yes! Id say I'm pretty outgoing :)

P - Pizza Toppings (Favorite)?: CHEESEEEE

Q - Quote (Favorite)?: "keep moving forward" its the only quote I can think of at the moment.

R - Right-Handed or Left-Handed?: left handed!

S - Season (Favorite)?: winter because I loveee the cold

T - TV Show Last Watched?: superstore

U - University (Did You Go)?: give me two more years! I'm a little late but I'm getting there.

V - Vacation (Last)?: Switzerland with my sisters and their friends back in 2022!

W - Worst Habit?: is having a short attention span a bad habit?

X - X-Rays (Ever Had Any)?: yup! when i broke my arm when i was 7 because i roller skated too hard and slammed my arm on cement B)

Y - Year You Were Born?: 2006

Z - Zodiac Sign?: Leo rawr X3

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