danny's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

about me :>

name:: daniel
nickname:: danny
how old are you:: 17
zodiac sign:: capricorn
current location:: NEW YORKK
eye color:: dark brown
hair color:: black
hair type:: curly asf
hieght:: 5'5
your heritage:: afro-latinx (latino with african ancestory)
what's your middle name:: i dont have one :<
shoe's you wore today:: vans knu skools
your weakness:: animals (i love animals sm)
your fear:: failure
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: no
do you want to:: not really
goal you would like to achieve this year:: getting a jobbbb
first thought when you wake up:: "...no" and then going back to sleep
best physical feature:: my hair
who is your bestest freind:: bria =P
when is your bedtime:: im usually up til like 2am
your most cherished memory:: meeting my best friend
pepsi or coke:: coke
mc dondalds or burgerking:: mickey d'sss
singel or group dates:: singleee
what is the last song you sang:: moon river by frank ocean
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: hell yeah
what is your biggest pet peeve:: way too loud chewing >:[
do you drink:: not really
ever been drunk:: nope
do you smoke:: nahh
do you "SMOKE":: ;)
do you sing:: no i cant for the life of me
what color underwear do you have on:: black and yellow (batman boxers)
do you want to go to college:: yeah ig so
have you ever been in love:: not really, no
do you wnat to get married:: i dont know yet :0
do you believe in yourself:: to an extent
do you believe inothers:: yes always !
do you like thunderstorms:: i loveee them
do you play an instrument:: i do !! i <3 my bass guitar
what do you want to be when you grow up:: i dont really know =[
what country would you like to visit:: its not a country but puerto rico
how many CD's do you own:: idk where all of mine went so 0
how many DVD's do you own:: MY MOM THREW ALL OUR DVDS OUT
how many tattoo's do you have:: 0
how many piercings do yo have:: 7 =P
how many things in the past do you regeret:: uhhh idk quite a few
shoes:: i love my knu skools
radio station::
drink:: arizonaaa
car:: lightning mcqueen
place:: nyc
song:: besitos - pierce the veil
movie:: uhh idk maybe the bride of chucky
moment:: when its so late and quiet that all you can hear are the crickets
color:: red !!!
meal:: los tres golpes =P
favorite eye color:: brown
favorite hair color:: brown - black
short or long hair:: long ig, doesnt rlly matter tho
height:: short
body type:: doesnt matter
does ethnicity matter:: nope =P
piercings:: YESSSSss
tattoos:: yeasss
do you think you are attractive:: sometimes
are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: probably :0
would you like to be someones fantasy:: duh
hunter or hunted:: how about i sit out
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: closed
a little or a lot of tongue:: depends but a little
older or younger:: doesnt really matter
lights on/lights off or candle light:: lights off
do you like to cuddle after:: yes
do you like to cuddle in general:: yeahhh =P
what is todays date:: 04/20/2024 !!!
what time is it:: 1:11 am
who are you thinking of:: me cause im writing an about MEEE
what are you listening to:: myrtle leaf - MF DOOM
do you love someone:: my friends :)
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: what is with all this mechanical bull talk
does someone love you:: i hope so
is it raining:: no :(
how many myspace friends do you have:: 24 =P
are you happy:: who knows
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