Homophobia followed the Pride movement into the 2000s just as it has done for decades prior. As more gay-oriented research was opened to the public, and gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and other gay communities were more accepted by the common person, there still always existed a community of people very upset at this acceptance and freedom. One of these people is the political activist Matt Walsh, who associates himself with the Daily Wire. He is well known for his transphobic documentary "What Is A Woman?" and his equally discriminatory book "Johnny The Walrus". He is an alt-right, conservative man who seems to find enjoyment in upsetting the liberal community and proving them wrong. In his 2022 Youtube post titled "Debunking Gay Marriage: It Can't Exist", he explains his thoughts toward the growing Pride movement. In his ideology; “Marriage, by definition is an in-principle procreative union between a man and a woman and it serves as the foundation of the family which serves the foundation of human society” and he pushes his belief that marriage is formed on the basis of procreation to people with a so-called gay "lifestyle".
There is obviously still a lot to learn on the basis of homophobia, but with research, we can finally understand deeper into both sides of the Pride movement and those against it.
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