gen z and communists

the title is a bit of foolery since this isnt exactly just focusing on gen z and communists, but instead i felt like talking about how so many gen z people have like forgotten what they even have these radical views for. everyone used to be all about smashing the system, fucking conformity, and self-expression/anti-censorship. now i feel like nobody cares. i have talked to numerous "radical teens" and it seems all of them either have no idea what they're talking about or they don't care that much, they just put on the facade of having those views in order to fit in(?) has anyone else noticed this? i feel crazy 

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FREAKSH0W's profile picture

I think its because companys have made anarchy into a "purchaseable aesthetic". Those wannabe "communists" are pretty much edgy teenage boys who only follow communist ideals because they think idolizing the USSR makes them cool, different, or radical. And don't get me started on self-proclaimed "anarchists" who glamorize school shootings. It's incredibly exhausting to think you're friends with another socialist but then they can't even name the basic socialist figures and have only labeled themselves as socialist to look woke when truely, they're just a liberal playing the role of an actual, respectable, educated socialist.

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YS168's profile picture

materialism and mediocrity have crushed them. Consumerism has successfully "eaten" counter-culture by making protest a part of consumption

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xeviant's profile picture

I feel that communism had good intentions underlying it in theory, but it was executed terribly and ended w something different than what was supposed to become of it. I understand where you are coming from though and I agree. Again, some of the original beliefs would actually be beneficial if they were implemented, but I think that communism as it is now is horrible. My family had to live through a communist rule before I was born and there was heavy censorship and other terrible stuff that I bet the ppl saying this don’t really care about or understand. I think that they do not do research on the reality of it and just think that the idea sounds good without knowing how it truly plays out most of the time in history.

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Sourismorcego's profile picture

I think these teenagers don't want to have a real political position but rather belong to some group, just like when a teenager wants to be goth but doesn't want to study the subculture :/

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Lahh<3's profile picture

teens don't care w/ nothing these days

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doomoid's profile picture

i think its because a lot of people have realized that theres nuance and politics arent something to bond over

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RissalovesSun's profile picture

I don't consider myself a socialist or communist, as I've never studied this in depth, but I agree with some ideas. But I feel like it's very difficult to change the system nowadays, in my view at least, sometimes it feels like you're fighting in vain so it's "better" to stay as you are than try to change something. In the end, we are all victims of capitalism indirectly.

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꧁•⊹٭𝚈𝚊𝚘𝚛𝚒𝟸𝟶𝟽𝟽٭⊹•꧂'s profile picture

The same thing happens with feminists in Latin America, they destroy their cities and they don't even know why they are protesting.

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Lahyer's profile picture

This can be attributed back to capitalism. How our identities are seen in our outside appearances. And the outer layer you're visualizing likely means nothing more to the wearer than "vibes". Which is fine. Free will and all. This is not meant to inspire a rebellion or a strike, but a watered down, half baked version of rebellion over things that don't really matter, and are nothing outside of the internet. Leaving real life issues to be seen as "cringe" and irrelevant. Not worth defending. A controlled and strained rebellion. Not meant to solve anything. But to make people feel important and special. Too distracted to actually care. Wanting the aesthetic but not the work that goes with it. You can tell, it's not quite the same. There's not soul behind it or meaning. Even the clothes that were meant to show and Incase your personality means nothing now. You're hiding behind them and it's not really you. It's more like a costume. So now, no one's really their true selves. The ones who truly mean it are seen as "too much" since the other ones are so watered down. Individualism is killing us. You're not different or special and being quirky and mysterious gets annoying at some point. Fast fashion is making people buy of things they don't truly want or need. Only to keep moving on. To be different than everyone else. When you're not. Everyone is lying. In every way they can get away with doing. Afterall, we are what we buy.

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by Czercide; ; Report

AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★

AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ ...'s profile picture

(sorry this may get a bit rambly)

Definitely noticed it,
I have a feeling it has to do with a lot of interlocking/overlap between spaces.
Historically LGBT+ spaces and groups have leaned left and that's lasted for the most part until modern times where now it's definitely more scattered I feel, with exclusionary stuff etc. etc. But we aren't here to talk about that right now.

The point is I feel like for the younger generation of LGBT+ those shoes, the ideas of liberation, that the generation before them filled, is a responsibility they're struggling to keep up with.
I mean it's an amazing idea of course as a queer teen you want to feel like you're apart of something that's going to help you and people like you.

The problem is I feel like it's very difficult for them to do things like read theory or learn different aspects of these leftist movements etc etc... But they can't just abandon it, it feels like almost a sign of solidarity with people like them, that they're apart of something together. So what do they do? They just slap the label on and call it a day.

I'm sure they know like... surface level what it is, but it can be disheartening because that's no where near enough. There's so many different types of communist and anarchist that are so wildly different from each other that's why there's been fights and conflicts over this for decades and decades. And yet people kinda just started using them as general terms to almost woobify and water down.

And it's not like teens doing this is a shock tbh, this is also just a normal response to our world. There's clearly a lot of fucked up shit going on and it's very directly impacting peoples lives no mater who they are. Of course kids are going to feel like they want guidance toward something, especially if everyone else in what they perceive as their community is doing it.

My only worry is that people throw around these terms and they start using them against each other without knowing what they mean, or defend history they shouldn't. They /have/ to defend it completely or else it's /wrong/. And being wrong is punishable by death, obviously, public execution in fact. (sarcasm)

I've seen people say stuff similar but I just felt like focusing on the LGBT+ youth part of it since a lot of LGBT+ youth populated spaces have this kinda thing going on.

It's kids trying to fit in with their peers and to them ?? being leftist on a surface level is unfortunately one of them.

(that's the end of it but if you want my real personal thoughts on it I think they should focus on establishing what their values and beliefs are first before finding a label for it. I generally say I'm some kind of anarchist but I'm not sure what kind yet and I don't think it really matters since right now I'm just trying to work out exactly this instead of trying to put a stern label on it.)

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Jonathan Ray

Jonathan Ray's profile picture

YES. YES YES TO THIS!!!!! I went to high school with this one girl who actually believed communism was a good thing. I remember her making the history teacher's face red. It is so frustrating how many people my age take information at face value without really digging into it. Like people I know believing something because people in their political party agree with it or because people from their church say its a good thing. Just conforming to public opinion without any critical thinking or investigation has hurt our society a lot. I have written a lot of songs about it, and I likely will keep doing so cause I have such deep concern for those who do not think for themselves. Of course, I am guilty for conforming at times. But, nonetheless, I try to be someone who thinks for themselves and makes wise assessments.

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Emaemaema's profile picture

You can tell just by the comment section that a lot of people in here doesn't even know the bare basic of communism (WHICH MEANS NO ESTATE BY THE WAY, LITERALLY NON-EXISTENT ESTATE). Although I truly understand what you mean, I still think it's easier to explain to them stuff than these stupid people who barely knows what COMMUNISM literally means.

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Last_Futurist's profile picture

A lot of political radicalism comes from a place of alienation. I think Gen Z has the largest radical population, and by radical, I mean wanting to move entirely on from Liberal Democracy and Capitalism. Millennials started it but always came from a somewhat establishment POV, but as things got worse and Zoomers grew up, a lot of them got sucked into different roads of radicalization. For people who drifted towards Neo-Nazism and Neo-Fascism, they tended to start off in the Atheist and Anti-Feminist circles, eventually finding newer and more radical contrarian points to adopt. Those who drifted leftwards tended to be well-meaning Berniecrats who slowly went further left as they realized the institutions wouldn't change fast enough, so they turned to Marx, Lenin, and sometimes Stalin. There is something to also be talked about with how a lot of Zoomers especially radicalized ones tend to only interact with things on a somewhat ironic basis, not wanting to show genuine belief because it's cringe, I know this because I've been apart of it, and that lack of wanting a true belief means putting on the aesthetics of radical movements when you realistically want that bare minimum comfort maintained.

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degen_aphrodite13's profile picture

It's always been hip and trendy to be rebellious. That's why I say, Fuck the general populous! I'm tired of the fake trend-setting and the rampant spikes of random trends that go nowhere. Take me back to the french revolution!!!!!

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real asf

by ryanmg4; ; Report

༺⛧𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔏𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔊𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔰⛧༻

༺⛧𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔏𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔊𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔰⛧༻'s profile picture

I feel like people just get so disheartened by the ever constant, ever looming capitalism that it feels like it's impossible to dismantle. And the 'radicals' are present in every radical movement, whether it be socialist, communist, anarchist, or f@scist. Hopefully Gen Z can social organise effectly soon and help dismantle capitalism, but there are still bariers we need to get over first before we can attempt that

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communism is the last thing we need rn


I'd disagree. Late stage capitalism is literally making everything go to shit. It's so clear that capitalism is fucking everything up and it's why, in my country, caused a housing crisis. We need communism, or at the very least socialism

by ༺⛧𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔏𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔊𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔰⛧༻; ; Report

we wouldn't have KPOP without capitalism!!!!! :100: :100:

by degen_aphrodite13; ; Report

Communism, or socialism, will just create other problems. For communism/socialism to work (to a degree) requires more government control and history has taught us countless times that more power just leads to more abuse and corruption than we already have.


I don't believe that communist societies require more government control. Like, in a vacuum, they don't. But because a revolution, which is the only way a communist state can be set up in this capitalist world, is an extremely authoritarian act. So naturally there will a lot of communist states that are very government oriented. And with capitalist destablisation, it only exacerbates its problems

by ༺⛧𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔏𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔊𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔰⛧༻; ; Report

Communism goes to fuck almost instantly, Capitalism goes to fuck slower but still goes to fuck. What do?

by Wario Guy; ; Report

What's your metric for 'going to fuck'? Like in the example of the USSR, it raised its quality of life from peasant-like and likewise with industry, going from a near feudal industry to a post-Industrial Revolution. And even with capitalism, it goes to shit, then 'fixes' itself, then repeat (boom-and-bust cycle; recession and economic boom).

by ༺⛧𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔏𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔊𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔰⛧༻; ; Report

it’s naive to think any system can remain in a regime forever. look everywhere in nature and you will see that systems are constantly changing and there’s not one instance where regime changes don’t occur. even in COMMUNIST russia wealth accumulates st the top. st least with capitalism you have the opportunity to make lots of money. it’s up to you if you can keep up with the way systems change

by degen_aphrodite13; ; Report

I know it changes, to say otherwise is unbiological; we as humans and living creatures evolve whether thats social or physically. But in our current era, late stage capitalism has made it near impossible to move up in social class, whether or not you 'work hard enough.' You need connections to move up in this world, and those mainly come with being further up anyways.
And also, wealth accumlates in every society with rigid heirarchy and heogemony, which includes most capitalist and socialist alike

by ༺⛧𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔏𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔊𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔰⛧༻; ; Report

it depends on what circumstances in your life are like obviously but….. it’s not extremely difficult to make lots of money. anyone is capable of doing research on the stock market and making large amounts of money. if you’re putting your priorities elsewhere then obviously you’re not going to make money. i was able to make my menial jobs yearly salary x10 in less than a month….. late stage capitalism is very profit oriented and shallow but there are worse places to be living.

by degen_aphrodite13; ; Report

Just because there are worse places to be in does not mean you should be grateful for your position. Like being punched in the face should not make you be grateful for not being kicked in the balls.
And are you joking me? It's "easy"? Like no it is not. Many are living pay check to pay check, in jobs where they don't get rewarded for hard work, and so many hours that any of that time not spent with short-lived moments of pleasure are stupid.
And saying "anyone"? Some people don't have that information or the reasources.
Just because you may have won capitalism, even slightly, does not mean we all can. You are lucky, and luck is not universal.

by ༺⛧𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔏𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔊𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔰⛧༻; ; Report

There hasn't been any communist countries that have managed to succeed (unless you want to include North Korea or China which I feel like you probably don't want to include). Sure some have started off somewhat successful, but it usually doesn't turn out well later on.


Is that not the argument for counting your blessings? At the very least this isn't a warzone, right? I don't know... if I was punched in the face then at that point I'd know how to take a punch. I think it's all about perspective and how you frame situations. I didn't use the word "easy" I said "not extremely difficult" the difference is slight but it's there. I can name an absurd amount of people in my life who spend their lives chasing pleasure rather than finding a way out of the muck. The resources are there! That's the whole point of the American dream... finding the means to an end not excuses. I'm sure I sound tone deaf but I was raised not to constantly find the negative aspects of situations. Late-stage capitalism is fucked but I don't think its because of the "inability" to move up the hierarchy.

by degen_aphrodite13; ; Report

Counting your blessings, in my experience, is usually used to supress concern or complaints. Of course you should be happy with what you have but always remember what you are denied. And that american dream part means nothing to me, and most of the world, as I'm Irish. And just because the resources are there do not mean they are accessable to all. Many people cannot get the resources or understand it, whether it be because of acedemic language or too much unknown lingo that's been bared from them from undereducation.

by ༺⛧𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔏𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔊𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔰⛧༻; ; Report

Big money Sanchez clearly has never have any social sciences or sociology basic class. How can you be stupid to the extent of not knowing what the ideology you think is bad even is.

by Emaemaema; ; Report

Emaemaema clearly has never had any debate classes or been in any debate clubs. How can you be stupid to the extent of not knowing that insults don't accomplish anything in arguments.


big money sanchez, you said they were stupid while calling out their use of insults. And this entire blog comment section isn't a grand debate nor this. Like who said this was a debate other than you?

by ༺⛧𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔏𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔊𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔰⛧༻; ; Report

It's not that serious, genius. Yea, I called them stupid because maybe just maybe I was trying to mirror their insult? Try giving that a thought, maybe?



BIG MONEY SANCHEZ$'s profile picture

i mean if they're communists then i'd doubt they'd have any idea what they're talking about anyway

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Communism is stupid, Gen Z is stupid, obvious conclusion is obvious.

by a bus for a bus on the bus; ; Report