Rambling about Joe Biden and Trump

Both JOe Biden and Trump are losers who have brought this generation to its knees. I would rather live off the grid or in some obscure retreat then follow or vote for any of those ass bags ^__^ However, Between Sleepy Joe and Mr Fake Tan, I would choose Mr FAke TAn, he's very funny and unlike sleepy Joe, can stay awake for a few minutes without passing out. However, these presidents have ruined patriotism and America due to their stupidity and uninimidating stature, no wonder we have a grudge with some fat Asian socialist man who cant even get a bomb into the air. And although every generation and presidency has their issues, I firmly believe that the presidents of the past have shown more courage and have given more hope to Americans than Sleepy Joe and Mr FAke TAn. But that is just my opinion and rambling ^__^ Let me know your stance or whatever in the comments I would love to hear them :D:D

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