The Atlantis Prism Theory

Dear Spacehey,

Good evening, I returned from smoking crack and killing the hoes with a conspiracy theory that makes quite a lot of sense. What if in the center of Atlantis there is a temple and in that temple there is a prism (It's large enough to fit a whole plane through) that takes you 4000 years into the future (6024). You cross through the portal and you see that Atlantis has resurfaced, technology has advanced, people discovered the prism and are constantly guarding it, and no one recognizes anything from 2024. Because of this, when you cross over people are shocked to see someone look so strange (Let's say that around the 4000's aliens invaded and started a small war but later we came to peace and then people started to crossbreed). They try to attack you but you manage to jump back in time and along with you, some weapons and ammo go through the portal as well. You notify the government and they go underwater with their weapons (i.e harpoons and what not) and try to cross through and one guy enters in and gets shot and he crosses back through bleeding and dead. (Please note that the people in 6024 are using advanced land weapons but not strong enough to go against underwater weapons because there wasn't any need for them during the 4024 battle against aliens when we came to peace) It causes both sides to attack through and it turns into a full scale battle against regular humans and a cross species.

3 Kudos


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narc !

narc !'s profile picture

this is real asf

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