1. If you could commit any crime (within reason) without consequence ONE time, what would it be?
Steal the Declaration of Independence.
2. Favourite feature you have? Could be appearance and/or personality
I like my nose tbh. I know it’s big but it’s iconic
3. What's something harmless that you have a Strong opinion on?
Sonic Underground is not that bad. It is not good by any means but it’s not abhorrently bad. Also no offense but BOTDF’s music sucks along with them being bad people, double whammy. I don’t even try to like them.
4. How many bees do you think you could beat in a fight?
0. If there’s a bee near me I crumble.
5. If you could replicate any one noise perfectly, what would you want it it be?
Fnaf 1 jumpscare no explanation offered.
6. Favourite shape?
Squares are cool and so are triangles. As long as they aren’t right angle triangles.
7. Who is your anti hero? Someone you look to as an example of who not to be?
Not sure that’s what anti-hero means, but probably any celebrity that’s doubled down on a bad take.
8. What is something you are working on right now? (Could be personal, could be a hobby/work)
New layout, neocities, spacehey layout generator (think P-M-P), 3d print of miso from katamari for my friend Cecil, efforts to open an Etsy store.
9. Do you have a favourite poem? If so, paste it here
I don’t read much but I liked Shel Silverstein as a kid
by Shel Silverstein
If we had hinges on our heads There wouldn't be no sin,
'Cause we could take the bad stuff out
And leave the good stuff in.
10. What animal do you exude the energy of? (not what you want to be, what you realistically would be)
My friend said golden retriever? Idk why. I consider myself more cat vibes like a really shy cat

A survey thing
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Very interesting questions.
1. Cannibalism.
2. My body. Though imperfect, I enjoy it greatly.
3. Mice do not deserve a place in heaven.
4. Easily, 30 or so.
5. The voice in my head. It's a very pretty voice and I want it for my own.
6. ★
7. Myself, on occasion.
8. Getting out of here (my body)
9. No, but I very much like the line "Just a reminder that the quiet places still exist."
10. Fox.