about the war with israel and hamas

so first of all... im starting with i dont support israel's GOVERNMENT because fuck them and also the murdering of palestinians is not ok and neither is the murder of israelis

murder in general and war

not good


i hear so many fucking stories abt ppl being like "israelis and jews am i right, this all their fault, its all them, they should all die and who gives a fuck abt them"

the rabbis in harvard apparently kept stepping down because theres just too much hate going on there

its not good guys

also israelis are literally protesting against their government, ok theyre not so keen on their government either

and not just israel, ik hamas is involved in this and theyre a terrorist group

but that doesnt mean blame all palestinians for this cuz it is NOT their fault either and whats going on their is horrific and even that is an understatement

anyway all this to say

war is not smth u can blame on the every person in the country who started the war or who is participating in the war

blame it on the government or the army or the armed forces but not the people (ofc unless the people are supporting it then thats a different story)

anyway so i just feel like this needed to be said because this is important

we see this all the time throughout history

america being horrid to german americans in world war one and then to japanese americans in world two

its not the civilians fault

and sorry this was long this turned into a rant basically but yea cuz i just saw smth antisemitic and all that and i wanted to spread this message around, being jewish myself

altho thankfully its not too bad where i am but my grandma got a call from one of her friends (her friend is not jewish, shes mormon i think? i dont remember, just some different religion from judaism, but thats besides the point) and her friend was like saying all this antisemitic stuff

15 Kudos


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perfectfourth's profile picture

I literally saw an instagram mutual say that any of their israeli mutuals should block him and it's like...wtf. Blame the government, not the people.

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agreed 100%

by j03y_jinxx; ; Report

Zigzag Buster πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

Zigzag Buster πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦'s profile picture

Unfortunately, there are ordinary Jews who are also a part of the problem. At this point, only a civil war can redeem Israel now.

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noahthecreator33's profile picture

your so right! we should support the civillians!,

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crimson's profile picture

2 kudos B]

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"make love not war"

by crimson; ; Report


by j03y_jinxx; ; Report