ezza☆'s profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

That wee MySpace survey :3


name:: Erin

nickname:: Ezza

how old are you:: I'm a minor pooks

zodiac sign:: Virgo

current location:: My bed ♡

eye color:: Blue

hair color:: Brown w/ red tips

hair type:: Idfk long???

hieght:: 5'3 ½ or 5'4 idk

your heritage:: Scottish (w/ some Irish in there lol)

what's your middle name:: Margaret 

shoe's you wore today:: Black Nike trainers

your weakness:: Loser men with mommy issues or good scran

your fear:: Wasps, dying alone, being forgotten 

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: Yes 

do you want to:: I would probs do it again lol

goal you would like to achieve this year:: Not die XoXo

first thought when you wake up:: 'I want scran'

best physical feature:: Uhm idfk

who is your bestest freind:: Wee Maximoo my 3rd Husband :3

when is your bedtime:: 1 am 

your most cherished memory:: Idfk I get hit in the head a lot

pepsi or coke:: Irn Bru better!!!

mc dondalds or burgerking:: Maccies for nuggets, Burger King for onion rings and chilly cheese bites 

singel or group dates:: Idk I don't get out a lot

what is the last song you sang:: I guess by Mitski

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: YES ON MY KNEES RN

what is your biggest pet peeve:: When someone ignores you mod conversation like bro look at me

do you drink:: Sometimes

ever been drunk:: Idk can't remember 

do you smoke:: Totes :3

do you "SMOKE":: NAH.

do you sing:: I dabble :3

what color underwear do you have on:: Idk ask YOUR MOTHER !!!

do you want to go to college:: Probably 

have you ever been in love:: Not really lmfao

do you wnat to get married:: Maybe..???

do you believe in yourself:: 50/50 on a daily basis ngl

do you believe inothers:: Nah. I'm better

do you like thunderstorms:: They're okay

do you play an instrument:: Used to play Violin 

what do you want to be when you grow up:: Writer or not dead ngl

what country would you like to visit:: Germany

how many CD's do you own:: None lol

how many DVD's do you own:: Idfk like 3

how many tattoo's do you have:: None :(

how many piercings do yo have:: Only got ny loabs pierced rn

how many things in the past do you regeret:: A lot


shoes:: Ones that work ngl

radio station:: Idfk

drink:: Irn Bru

car:: Uhm idfk

place:: My bedroom 

song:: I can't choose :3

movie:: Tokyo Godfathers or Slumdog Millionaire 

moment:: When I go to sleep:3

color:: Pink or Purple

meal:: My Dad's steak and pepper wraps


do you think you are attractive:: Maybe??? 

are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: Idk man feelings are strange 

would you like to be someones fantasy:: Depends

hunter or hunted:: Meow ;3

do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: Idk I've never kissed anyone before

a little or a lot of tongue:: I ain't a snake bro

older or younger:: Idk??? As long as they're the same age as me we're good

lights on/lights off or candle light:: Candles !!!

do you like to cuddle after:: Probably 

do you like to cuddle in general:: Yes... :3


what is todays date:: Sun 25 Feb

what time is it:: 12:24

who are you thinking of:: Lucio from The Arcana

what are you listening to:: Got Still Game on in the bg rn

do you love someone:: Maybe???

do you know where your mechanical bull is:: Pookie what

does someone love you:: Maybe????

is it raining:: No

how many myspace friends do you have:: Idk

are you happy:: Sure

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maxh3adroom's profile picture

erm don’t u smoke babes you’re going to end up with chav lungs if u don’t watch out

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Pooks let me lie on the Internet please

by ezza☆; ; Report