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Category: Quiz/Survey

50 "Get to Know Me" Questions

1. Were you named after anyone?
Apparently I was named after an Actor who did Westerns, and my middle name is the male version of Michele. (My Mom)

2. When was the last time you cried?
Probably after the last Anime I watched. (Demon Slayer)

3. Do you like your handwriting?
I mean, it's not the worst. I think it looks like chicken scratch. Others think it looks nice. *shrugs*

4. What is your favourite lunch meat?
Hmmm.... I'd have to say, Black Forest Ham?
If I'm being "bougie", then perhaps Capicola?

5. Do you have kids?
Nope. I wanted them, once upon a time...
But then I realized that the world is kinda a crappy place, and everyone else is happy having kids. While I'm over here, going on cruises, traveling the world, while spoiling my fiance, fur babies, and myself. ^_^

6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
I'd like to think so. I see myself as a nice person.
I just need to be better at taking criticism more often...

7. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No... >.> . . . <.< . . . O.O . . . Okay... It's my second language. . .

8. Do you still have your tonsils?
Unfortunately... I'm too afraid of having them taken out, this late in the game. That, and I'm afraid that someone will mess with my voice box/ability to sing...

9. Would you bungee jump?
Where are we talking about doing the jump?
I mean... I'm a fat kid... I need SOME assurances...
Perhaps over water? Like... DEEP Water? ... Not that, that would help at all. *Insert Eyeroll* I guess though...

10. What is your favourite cereal?
I've always been a fan of Fruity Pebbles..
Oreo O's are good too.
But Captain Crunch, both Peanut Butter and Berries are amazing!
(Shreds my mouth hella bad!)

11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
What type of psychos ACTUALLY do that??
Nobody got TIME for that! -_-

12. Do you think you are strong?
Yes... I'm a stocky chonky boy...
I was a bouncer for 4 or 5 years...
Nobody ever really wanted to fight me. *shrugs*

13. What is your favourite ice cream?
Mint Chocolate Chip! *salivates*

14. What is the first thing you notice about people?
I guess I try to feel out their vibes.
Mannerisms and whatnot.. First impressions aren't always everything, but... They tell me if I can stand to get to know the person over however long a period of time...

15. Red or pink?

16. What is the least favourite thing about yourself?
I am somewhat body conscious, but who isn't.
So, I'll have to go with overthinking...
I tend to get caught up in my own head.

17. Who do you miss the most?
Currently... In my life, I miss my Grandmother on my biological Dad's side.
I didn't know her for very long, but for the time that I knew her... It truly showed how amazing of a person she was, and I was very thankful for that. 

RIP Grandma Cathy. https://obituaries.record-eagle.com/obituary/cathy-levanduski-sherman-1024688226


18. What is the spark feature that has helped you the most?
My capability to bring change to others in their dark moments in life, when my life is doing okay. Long Story Short: Being an Advocate to Youth.

19. What colour shoes are you wearing?
Black and Red Kicks!

20. What was the last thing you ate?
A can of off-brand Spaghetti O's...
(Usually Spaghetti O's are okay to eat cold, and straight out of a can... Not these ones... Nope... They needed the heat to get gooey... I almost didn't bother with it, until I heated it up... It was okay... Filled the void. -_-

21. What are you listening to right now?
Face Down - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

22. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
Burnt Orange

23. Favourite smells?
Lilacs, Kenneth Cole's-Reaction Cologne, The Ocean, Cedar Wood Chest, Gasoline *shrugs*, Leather, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Camp Fire, Bleach Water (From pool or Hot Tub, Fresh Cut Grass, Pizza, Citrus

24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My Friend/Boss (Sue D.)

25. Mountain hideaway or beach house?
Beach House, hands down!
But if during an apocalypse... Mountain Hideaway.

26. Favourite sports to watch?
Pfft... What's that?

27. Hair colour?
Usually Dirty Dishwater Blonde...
These days it comes out dark, because I keep shaving it.
So... Bald? Nude? LOL!

28. Eye colour?
Grayish Blue

29. Do you wear contacts?
Nope. 20/20 vision.
Last I checked...

30. Favourite food?
Such a loaded question with so many possibilities...
Pizza, Pasta, Sushi, Chicken, Tacos.
Oooo! I love Onion wraps!

31. Scary movies or happy endings?
I absolutely LOVE my horror movies...
But if you got a movie that can make me cry... BRING IT ON!

32. Last movie you watched?
I have no idea...
Been stuck on an online subscription kick lately where I watch nothing but tv shows, or anime... lol!

33. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Grey thin hoodie with a black shirt underneath.

34. Summer or winter?
Summer. In the winter, I can't and won't do anything and get hella depressed... In the summer, at least I can use the AC and run into the water, and hang with my friends without worrying about getting snowed in or getting into a wreck.

35. Hugs or kisses?
Why not both?
I mean... I prefer kisses... But only from appropriate sources...
Otherwise, I'm very well known for my hugs! ^_^

36. Favourite dessert?
Cannolis! That or Strawberry Cheesecake!

37. Strength training or cardio?
Strength Training for sure! LOVE THE BURN!
But I also know that cardio is what allows me to lose my pant sizes...
Evil B*tch...

38. Computer or television?
... Are you serious?

39. What book are you reading right now?
Part Of Your World ^_^

40. What is on your mouse pad?
... It's black... >.>

41. Any tattoos?
HA! Do I?! YES. Yes, I do!
I have TECHNICALLY 4, but my sleeve on my right arm is essentially 60+ different tattoos in one... But hey, you decide!

42. Favourite sound?
Music... Lol!
Rain hitting a tin roof.
String Instruments.
A babbling river.
The Ocean!

43. Rolling Stones or Beatles?
Beatles, hands down! Sorry, not sorry.

44. What is the farthest you’ve been from home?
Cozumel, Mexico. Part of a Cruise Expedition.

45. Do you have a special talent?
I mean... I can do photoshop and photography like it's nobody's business...
I can also do this weird thing with my eyebrows that not many people can...
You'd have to see to know what I mean...

46. Where were you born?
Hastings, Michigan, United States.

47. Where are you living now?
Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States.
I absolutely love it here!

48. What colour is your house?
White with Blue Shutters and a Blue Front Door!

49. What colour is your car?
Black 2014 Ford Explorer, Police Interceptor

50. Any pets?
Yes! 1 ALL White, "Red" Siberian Husky named Kezia (she just turned 4), our cats Tux & Lucy, Slink our snake, and our budgies/parakeets Bonnie & Clyde.

2 Kudos


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