j3llyf15h's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

here are some thinngs about me 🦎

I found this template online, the link is at the end... whoever this is has a weird obsession with mechanical bulls and asking for people's underwear colour


name:: carolina!

nickname:: carol

how old are you:: 18 yo!

zodiac sign:: 🦀

current location:: home, sweet home

eye color:: black

hair color:: black too

hair type:: curly - coily

hieght:: 176

your heritage:: african

what's your middle name:: santos

shoe's you wore today:: platforms

your weakness:: pretty people

your fear:: pretty people...

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: hell no.

do you want to:: yes...

goal you would like to achieve this year:: learn how to say no and stand up for myself

first thought when you wake up:: i wanna sleep

best physical feature:: my eyes and smile

who is your bestest freind:: MY FRIEND ANA 🐟

when is your bedtime:: 00:30 ~ 01:30

your most cherished memory:: beach house weeknds at my nana's

pepsi or coke:: cocaína

mc dondalds or burgerking:: uuh none?

singel or group dates:: group dates, i cannot be alone withy someone idk 

what is the last song you sang:: wolf in sheep's clothing by set it off

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: YES DEFINETLY, extra points if its the elkectric guitar

what is your biggest pet peeve:: PEOPLE THAT TALK TOO MUCH and its always trash when they open their mouths

do you drink:: yes

ever been drunk:: no

do you smoke:: no

do you "SMOKE":: no

do you sing:: yes!!

what color underwear do you have on:: why TF do you care ?!

do you want to go to college:: yes!!

have you ever been in love:: no

do you wnat to get married:: yes, I wnat to get married

do you believe in yourself:: sometimes yes, sometimes no

do you believe inothers:: yea

do you like thunderstorms:: sure ig

do you play an instrument:: yes, piano and guitar

what do you want to be when you grow up:: alive

what country would you like to visit:: korea

how many CD's do you own:: 6 (they are all Type O Negative)

how many DVD's do you own:: idk

how many tattoo's do you have:: 0 (NOT FOR LONG THO)

how many piercings do yo have:: like 3 (NOT FOR LONG AS WELL)

how many things in the past do you regeret:: too many


shoes:: my skull shoes

radio station:: RFM

drink:: apple juice

car:: black ones

place:: my bed

song:: heaven by mitski

movie:: edge of seventeen

moment:: dreaming

color:: lilac

meal:: lasagne


favorite eye color:: honey brown 

favorite hair color:: dark, dark, dark goodness

short or long hair:: SHORT FOR GIRLS and long for boys 

height:: any height, i do not discriminate

body type:: idk and idc

does ethnicity matter:: no

piercings:: yes

tattoos:: BIG BIG YES


do you think you are attractive:: sometimes might be good, sometimes might me shiet

are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: yes

would you like to be someones fantasy:: not really, no

hunter or hunted:: both and none

do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: closed

a little or a lot of tongue:: some

older or younger:: both

lights on/lights off or candle light:: idk, lights off? cabdles on reminds me of those period saphic dramas

do you like to cuddle after:: after what?

do you like to cuddle in general:: yes! big big hugger


what is todays date:: 29/01/2024

what time is it:: 01:01 am

who are you thinking of:: with these last questions? the girl i almost dated

what are you listening to:: my friends, who are in a voice call

do you love someone:: yes, my family

do you know where your mechanical bull is:: WHAT IS IT WITH THE MECHANICAL BULL DUDE?!?

does someone love you:: no

is it raining:: no

how many myspace friends do you have:: 12

are you happy:: i am not sure


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