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Category: Quiz/Survey

a bit ab me!

smoked a cigarette?: no but i have tried vaping
smoked a cigar?: no
done drugs?: ye ive done,,, a lot...
drank alcohol?: ye
been in love?: sadly
been dumped?: kinda.....? its complicated
shoplifted?: ye 
been fired?: nope
been in a fight?: not physical but i wish i did -_- some of yall need a beating
snuck out of your house?: no,,, my parents have security cameras
been arrested?: nopeee
made out with a stranger?: not a complete stranger! but i wish
gone out on a blind date?: no! but i think it would b cool to try sometime.
lied to a friend?: yes.... but its justified. i dont lie unless completely necessary, mainly bc im bad at it.
had a crush on a teacher?: NO. and personally i did not like anyone in high school/college that did.
skipped school?: a few times, but only rlly in college.
slept with a co-worker?: no, but i would if one of us were quitting or smth. ((not at my current job, or any job,,, this is hypothetical))
seen someone die?: no but ive seen a few animals die
had/have a crush on 1 of your myspace friends: interest? sure. not a crush
been to Canada?: no
been to Mexico?: ye
been on a plane?: ya! a few times to florida, and once to puerto rico!
thrown up from drinking?: yup, worst 6 hours of my life. fuck pink whitney
eaten sushi?: yup literally my fav depression meal
been skiing?: no but i rlly wanna
been in an abusive relationship?: yea, every "relationship" ive had, sadly.
taken pain killers?: ye, maybe 2 much
love someone right now?: i wouldnt call it love
laid on your back & watch the clouds?: yes its my favorite along with looking at the stars.
made a snow angel?: ye but in the puffy snowsuit not the hallmark movie kind
used a fake ID?: no but ive tried to get one
watched the sunset?: yes
touched a snake?: ive poked one before!
felt an earthquake?: no
been tickeled?: yes i can be ticklish if im not expecting it
been robbed?: of my happiness? sure
been misunderstood?: almost every time, except for recently. things r going better.
won a contest?: yes, but it was like a raffle thing
been suspended from school?: yup, in first grade for shoving a kid to the ground because he cut me in line when i was at the front. he cried like a little baby after saying "what are you going to do about it?". deserved.
had detention?: nope!
been in a wreck?: no
had/have braces?: yup, for 2 1/2 years. it caused me to have gingivitis.
had a one night stand?: no but i wanna
danced in the moonlight?: definitely on my bucket list. i have been with friends that a capella sang in the moonlight one of my now favorite songs.
hated the way you look?: i used to, i kinda like me now
witnessed a crime?: M A N Y.
had deja vu?: sometimes. usually only when i experience something irl that ive experienced in a dream
stripped for someone?: not in the sexy way but i have sent nudes
walked barefoot thru the mud?: no and i kinda dont want to
been lost?: both physically AND mentally
been to the other side of the country?: i wish :(
swam in the ocean?: yes i hated it every time. got pinched by a crab once on my toe
felt like you were dying?: yea... drugs b like that
pole danced?: i want to
played cops & robbers?: yes on my old playground
cried yourself to sleep?: many a time
done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?: yes... i am the embodiment of "dont grow up to be like them"
made prank phone calls?: i did in like middle school skjfkjsnefjns
caught a snowflake on your tongue?: yes :)
kissed someone in the rain?: ugh i want to
blowed bubbles?: yess
told a stranger you loved them?: unless i was being fake but prob not
had a wish come true?: yes :) my one dream for years was to have at least 1 friend i could trust. i have achieved it.
jumped off a bridge?: no but ive thought ab it
kissed a fish?: no
ate dogfood?: nope  and i never want to
sang in the shower?: yee i used to but not anymore
had sex in the woods?: nope but i would totally want to
had sex in the park?: nope but id be down
had sex in the car?: again no but i would
had sex in the pool?: sounds unpleasant
sat on a roof top?: i rlly want to, feels like a coming of age moment
worn the opposite sex clothes?: yes all the time
had sex at a church?:no but sounds cool
screamed at the top of your lungs?: yes i was having a meltdown
stayed up all night?: hell yea
didn't take a shower for a week?: yes i was severely depressed and on a bender
climbed a tree?: yup i was drunk alone in a parking lot
believed in ghosts?: sometimes.
been streaking?:NO but it sounds like smth id do on acid
been skinny dipping?:no but id try it
been to jail?:no and i hope i don't ever, honestly the one thing i wouldnt wanna try
been told you were hot by a complete stranger?: not hot but attractive
been pushed into a pool?: yes and then they attempted to drown me
played chicken?: yes i was the bottom that carried ppl
broken a bone?: no but it was an almost break bc it was fractured.
been easily amused?: yes esp when im drunk
caught a fish, & ate it?: no but i have caught them before
made a porn video?: no but id be down if i didnt ever have to watch it
had nude photos taken of you?: i mean i take my own
laughed so hard you cried?: yes all the time, mostly over stupid spongebob memes
cried so hard you laughed?:yes bc i realized i was overreacting
caught a butterfly?: no! but i have raised them before 
mooned/ flashed someone?: i want to sometime but like with my partner when theyre not expecting it or smth JFSJENFSUKENFSE
had someone moon/flash you?: yes ive gotten titties flashed at me, also i have gotten mooned
licked a cat?: NO but ive had a cat lick me
forgotten somone's name?: yes:( sometimes im bad w names
went scuba diving/snorkeling?: yes it was rlly fun but i got bit by a fish
bitten someone?: yeah ive done it sober and drunk!
been kicked out of your house?: nope but im sure they thought ab it

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