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Category: Quiz/Survey

— ☣ Very long survey !! Know everything about me!!

(I removed the ones I didn't feel like answering)

name: Horror + Nocturne + Frankie are my trifecta

nickname: Noc is about the only nickname you can come up with. I really like it though :)

how old are you: 17... In March, I'll be 18 (°_° ;)

(UPDATE: As of March 13th 2024, I am now 18 years old.)

zodiac sign: Pisces. I don't really believe in them (I don't like how Pisces are depicted at all), but I can see their appeal

current location: My room

eye color: Green. Though they're dark green. So it's a bit strange

hair color: Medium-toned brown? Dark-ish maybe?

hair type: Like 2B, I think. That is to say wavy

height: I'm dysphoric about it so you don't get to know

your heritage: Well, I'm Brazilian, and we tend to have very mixed heritage... But I think in my family, the most predominant are Uruguayan from my mom's side, and Polish and Italian from my dad's ??

what's your middle name: I don't have one

shoe's you wore today: My flip flops (´ー` )

your fear: Thunder ...

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: LOL no

Do you want to?: I think I'd get scared ??

goal you would like to achieve this year: Healing

first thought when you wake up: "Oh God damn it"

best physical feature: I guess my eyes ?

who is your bestest friend: My BFF Sarah

when is your bedtime: Whenever the sleep demons get me... Lately it's usually been 4 AM.

your most cherished memory: I have too many to choose one

pepsi or coke: I don't really care

mc dondalds or burgerking: Boycott them both

single or group dates: I'm ambivalent, I've never been to either

what is the last song you sang: I don't really sing, but I think it was Dragostea Din Tei?

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: Oh yeah

what is your biggest pet peeve: I have so many...

do you drink: Since I'll be of legal drinking age soon (I'm not USAmerican), I've been slowly trying some things out. Alcohol tastes really strong to me so I'm struggling with it. But I think I might find something I like eventually.

ever been drunk: Not yet (UPDATE: As of February 2024... Yes.)

do you smoke: No

do you "SMOKE": ?!

do you sing: Not much. It strains my throat, even softly. No one believes me when I say that

do you want to go to college: Oh I'll be starting this year (¬‿¬ )

have you ever been in love: Once

do you want to get married: If I find the right person

do you believe in yourself: I've been trying to

do you believe in others: I've also been trying to

do you like thunderstorms: No ;;

do you play an instrument: I've taken piano classes many times on-and-off throughout my life. It never stuck. The undiagnosed ADHD really interrupted the plan

what do you want to be when you grow up: My true dream job is to be an arachnologist! (Yes, arachno, not archeo!) But Biology is really hard for me, so instead I'll be getting a Bachelor's degree on History, and hopefully I'll have a job to do with that, because it's really one of my biggest passions, aside from spiders

what country would you like to visit: So so many. If it were up to me, I'd visit every country in the world. Geography is a new passion of mine and I want to learn about every place on Earth... Lately, countries I've been wishing I could visit often, include Argentina, Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Vietnam, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Romania. But I'd really be okay going anywhere.

how many CD's do you own: I'm not sure... I don't know if we have any?

how many DVD's do you own: Many! I had so many when I was little that I used to watch!

how many tattoo's do you have: None, for now...

how many piercings do you have: None for now, though I might get some this year?

how many things in the past do you regret: A lot!! We all do!!


shoes: I'm ambivalent about shoe brands

radio station: I don't listen to the radio...

drink: Sparkling water. Yeah that's right

car: I'm ambivalent about cars as well

place: Anywhere in nature

song: Right now I think it's Sunshine by Alice in Chains, Anarchy by KMFDM and Jesus Christ Porno Star by Chemlab.

moment: Too many in my life!

color: Black, purple and red

meal: Pastel de queijo ....... And fries


what is todays date: 10/01/2024

what time is it: 18:17 PM

who are you thinking of: No one in particular

what are you listening to: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3 Stardust Crusaders because I'm rewatching it with my friend at the moment

do you love someone: Of course I do!!!!

do you know where your mechanical bull is: What's with the mechanical bull fixation!!

does someone love you: I hope so!!!

is it raining: I wish it was!!!

are you happy: I've been trying to be the past year

4 Kudos


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