୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆ SURVEY

𓍯 ִֶָ 🎀 BASICS

name: chaejin,ines,diana,dounia

nickname: chae,haeji,dina,noussa

pronouns: she/her/hers

birthday: june 21

siblings: none

job: dont have one

how old are you: 13 yrs old (soon to be 14)

zodiac sign: gemini

what's your middle name?: dounia


hair color: black but its brown in the light 

hair type: straight

eye color: dark brown

height: about 5'3 

ethnicity: north african,arab

look like a celeb: um idk!

dye your hair: i wish

have braces: no

wear glasses: nah

wear contacts: no

piercings: none, i wanna one so badlly ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა

tattoos: none

body type: chubby^_^

do you think you are attractive?: a little

best physical feature: my cheeks,hair

𓍯 ִֶָ 🎀 FAVORITES 

color: yeloow,purple,pink,black

video game: i don't play video gamess

tv show: 

movie: idk

animal: cats,pandas,red pandas

food: pizza

drink: strawberry fanta

day of the week: tueseday

season: autumn my season and winter is so pretty so..... ;3

song : heart attack by chuu 

band: IVE

holiday: Mawlid

book: twisted games

flower: tulips,jasmine

𓍯 ִֶָ 🎀 THIS OR THAT 

summer or winter: winter

cats or dogs: cats alla way 

pepsi or coke: pepsi... 

ocean or pool: pool

black or white: black

chocolate or vanilla: chocolate

rock or rap: rap

tv or movie: movies

stars or hearts: stars

bracelets or necklaces: necklaces

gold or silver: silver

mcdonalds or burger king?: none

single or group dates?: idk 

𓍯 ִֶָ 🎀 RANDOM

whag what is the last song you sang?: idk 

have you ever drank?: neva neva nevaa 

have you ever been drunk?: no

have you ever smoked?: no

do you sing?: when im in a silly mood ^_^

do you want to go to college : yes ofcc

have you ever been in love?: 2 times..... not good 

do you want to get married?: no

do you believe in yourself?: kinda

do you believe in others?: yes!!!

do you like thunderstorms?: NOT AT ALL 

do you play an instrument?: nahh

what country would you like to visit?: united states,japan,south korea,thailand,russia

how many CDs do you own?: none

how many DVDs do you own?: none

how many tattoos do you have?: non

how many piercings do you have?: none

how many things in the past do you regret?: more than 100

favourite shoes: idk

car: g class

place: my bedd

cuddles in general?: ill literally fall asleep like a baby in 3 seconds if someone held me

what are you listening to?: a crime documentary

is it raining?: yeahh

how many spacehey friends do you have?: ?

are you happy?: could be better

current location: mai deskk

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: no

do you want to: no 

first thought when you wake up: my crush,school...

when is your bedtime: 9,10,11 pm

what is your biggest pet peeve: Slurping loudly

what do you want to be when you grow up: an astronaut

shoes you wore today: none

your weakness: my family,my past mistakes

your fear: heights, scary rez dogs that bark at anything and anyone

goal you would like to achieve this year: lose weight

who is your bestest friend?: sarah,roniz

your most cherished memory: my grandparents Funeral

𓍯 ִֶָ 🎀 RIGHT NOW 

what is todays date: january 6 2024

what time is it: 3:25 pm

who are you thinking of: my crushess

do you love someone: all my awesum friends and crushes

does someone love you: i know my mom and friends do

are you happy: could be better (2)

2 Kudos


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