noah!!!'s profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey



name: noah

nickname: different ones rlly

age: 16

b-day: 8/29/2007

birthplace: georgia usa

current location: NO

eyecolor: blue and brown

hair color: naturally blonde, dyed black

peircings: i have abt six but theyre in my ears

tattoos: nope

boyfriend/girlfriend: no :/

siblings: i have four


color: RED

music: trap metal

sport: wrestling

holiday: mmm not sure

food: samdwich with loaded fries

number: 22

movie: pirates movie or idiocracy

celebrity: hmm idk

place: my ex bfs house

drink: orange soda

day of week: thursday

month: october

city: not sure

animal: cats or lemur

time of day: 10:25 pm

smell: cigarettes

t.v. channel: adult swim

song: apology by alesana

This Or That

hugs or kisses: hugs

pepsi or coke: bepis

mcdonalds or burger king: mcds

chocolate or vanilla: chocolate

lover or fighter: lover

friends or family: friends

love or money: love

listen to someone talk ot talking: i like it to be balanced

personality or looks: both

magazines or comics: comics

pop star or word up: idk what those are


are you in luv: yeah

have you ever been in luv: yeah

ddo you believe in love at first sight: no not exactly

longest relationship: six months

kiss on first date: yes

ever cheated on someone(be honest): NO


do you do drugs: no

do you drink: occasionally

do you have any regrets: a few

want to get married: depends 

want kids: depends

do you believe in yourself: im not really sure tbh

last movie you saw at the movies? was it good: cocaine bear, NO IT WAS BAD

can you handle the truth: no

biggest fear: being left alone

most missed memory: dying my ex bfs hair

first thought waking up: aughhhgggg

how do you want to die: happy with someone holding my hand

do you get along with your parents: not at all lmao

do you swear: all the time

do you have a pet: yes 

have you ever passed out: yes a few times

do you party: no

do you get good grades: yeah

Do You Believe In

god: yes

religion: no

aliens: yes

ghost: yes

afterlife: no

myself: eh

karma: not solid rlly

magic: nah

In a Boy

eye color: idrc

hair color: idc

short or long hair: long hair

height: prefer shorter, but idrm

peircings or tattoos: if they like them then sure

just cute or sexy: both i think

hobbies: music 

one girl man: huh

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nikko0's profile picture

cool, but cocaine bear???? that sounds very... interesting

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IT WAS SO BAD its based off a true story too

by noah!!!; ; Report