name: Frank
nickname: Frankie
how old are you: 16
zodiac sign: Virgo
current location: Your fathers bed
eye color: Dark ass brown
hair color: Black/Dark Brown
hair type: 4C
height: 5'9/5'10
your heritage: Haitian? bruh idk
what's your middle name: Starts with a Z
shoe's you wore today: Converse
your weakness: idk
your fear: death, lowkey.
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: yes
goal you would like to achieve this year: next year, basically. but i wanna get rlly good at skateboarding and stuff bc i hurt myself everytime bro
first thought when you wake up: wheres my phone
best physical feature: maybe my eyebrows?? i like them
who is your bestest friend: i have like 3, Kurtis, Salem, and Jazzy :)
when is your bedtime: whenever i get too tired to stay up
your most cherished memory: idk
pepsi or coke: coke omfg
mc dondalds or burgerking: BK is ass, McDonalds
single or group dates: single, even with my partner id feel like a 3rd wheel lmao
what is the last song you sang: Holiday - Green Day
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: yes bc im hot
what is your biggest pet peeve: people who chew loud
do you drink: i have before
ever been drunk: yes
do you smoke: i have once
do you "SMOKE": wtf does this mean
do you sing: a lot
what color underwear do you have on: ?????? dont answer this its weird
do you want to go to college: yes but on scholarship so i can get my jeep wrangler!!
have you ever been in love: yes
do you want to get married: depends
do you believe in yourself: i try too
do you believe in others: sometimes
do you like thunderstorms: no
do you play an instrument: yes, saxophone, acoustic and electric guitar, and recorder
what do you want to be when you grow up: a lawyer, an aerospace engineer, or a musician
what country would you like to visit: Italy
how many CD's do you own: 2
how many DVD's do you own: Too many
how many tattoo's do you have: none
how many piercings do you have: my ears are pierced
how many things in the past do you regret: too much to count
shoes: converse and demonias theyre so pretty
radio station: idk
drink: soda
car: jeep wranglers omg
place: my bed
song: Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
moment: The first day i went to six flags
color: green and blue
meal: pizza
favorite eye color: green eyes are so sexy omfffhhg
favorite hair color: i like black or like dyed hair
short or long hair: in women and men I like long hair
height: i like girls shorter than me and boys taller than me
body type: it doesnt matter
does ethnicity matter: hell no
piercings: yes sexy wowie
tattoos: wowie even more sexy yes
do you think you are attractive: on a good day
are you attracted to someone who does not know it: maybe
would you like to be someone's fantasy: as long as they arent weird abt it?
hunter or hunted: what
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open: closed
a little or a lot of tongue: uhm!
older or younger: both only by a year
lights on/lights off or candle light: off
do you like to cuddle after: idk
do you like to cuddle in general: yes :) big spoon all the way
what is todays date: 8/31/24
what time is it: 6:38pm
who are you thinking of: billie joe armstrong
what are you listening to: holiday - green day
do you love someone: i love more than one person a lot
do you know where your mechanical bull is: no, can you find it for me?
does someone love you: maybe
is it raining: no
are you happy: i try to be :)
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