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Category: Pets and Animals




This is about the “big” and “scary” sea animals as you know as sharks now sharks are not all that scary nor mean sharks are really lovable creatures that wouldn't attack anyone for no reason sharks are pretty fascinating creatures while they have these pores called ampullae of Lorenzini located between their nose or just around their head these help sharks find their mates and find food how it works is and it basically locates magnetic fields also water is more sensitive to electric fields so the electric fields polarizes (directing vibration) water lying them up to charge the molecules.

                                Hammerhead shark

Unlike the great white shark and the mako shark while they have a pointy snout, large pectoral and dorsal fins, and a strong fin sharks like these two have dominated these seas for years but around 20 million years ago evolution had decided to take a turn and create and add a new shark to the water which has a mallet shaped head full of sensory organs and eyes set on opposite ends known as the hammerhead one of the most recognizable sharks on earth these sharks are found in temperate and tropical waters all around the world and are mostly seen in massive numbers as they migrate to colder waters now you might be asking what their weird shaped head does well the hammer of the hammer head is called a cephalofoil and the size varies from species to species now you might think the shape is just an extension of flesh but no that's actually how their skull is the smallest cephalofoil is known as the modest bonnet head now the largest is the wing head shark its head is so big that its half of its body length(body=2m) some people think that it would be hard for them to see with their eyes so far apart but the visible frail for all creatures is the space visible to them without moving their head or eyes for us humans its 190 degrees now with out binocular vision (where the vision of each of our eyes overlap) that gives us depth perception covers 120 degrees of horizontal degrees and with most predators they have large binocular fields to help scan the place they are at for prey most predators have eyes in front of them but with most prey animals they have it on the sides of their head to help them look out for danger in any direction(ex:birds and squirrels) for example a pigeon has a visual field of 310 degrees but it doesn't have that much of a binocular portion and you can see this pattern through all animals but when you see a hammerhead shark its not so obvious about whats going on they are predators but the eyes are far apart now you might be asking if the shape of their head help or ruin their vision and their predatory ability in 2009 some researchers started to get to the bottom of it they started off with comparing to visual fields with 3 different hammerhead shark species two sharks with a more typical head as they studies them all the sharks had a full 360 vertical visual field with similar vertical binocular fields.

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Zack0's profile picture

Very interesting, sharks are fascinating creatures.
If you would continue writing about sharks I would be happy to continue reading what you publish :D

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Yes I 100% will and yes I agree they are really interesting.

by akiraa; ; Report

Brilliant! \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/

by Zack0; ; Report