You'd think this is the part of the story where everyone collectively stops caring about the war and decides to go feign concern over the next trendy conflict that their friends are protesting about. That's what happened with the war in Ukraine, which is still going by the way. Maybe it's just centered on this website, who knows. The truth is that people from both sides of the political spectrum are happy to wallow in misinformation rather than doing five minutes of research to understand what's really happening.
It's so easy to just regurgitate buzzwords and non-sequiters so you can have a target to yell and scream about. Information is useless when you can just cite a tweet here and there as sources of information and blindly accept any and all statements from Hamas as objective fact without thinking twice and forming your own opinions. It's also easy to just plug your ears and ignore all opposing viewpoints; I've experienced it myself, I was blocked by multiple users that I didn't even know over my last blogpost. As someone who has actually researched the history of Israel, Hamas, Palestine and the many conflicts sprung from their coexistence, I am shocked, baffled and disgusted that any rational human can support Hamas and the atrocities they have doled out upon Palestinians and Israeli's.
There's so much misinformation, so much denial of history and so many things getting lost in translation that it leads one to believe Israel is "colonial", which is completely asinine. Israel is not colonial, it was never colonial, and claiming it is is genuine insanity. You would know why Palestinian territory is as small as it is in 2023 if Palestine supporters did their research, but they won't. They never will. How can I even provide sources for my claims when anything that does not follow their narrative is apparently "Zionist propaganda"? Even the most objective of sources, even Twitter's Community Notes feature, is ousted as "Zionist bullshit". Why isn't anyone actually thinking for themselves? Could it be peer pressure?
As for those interested, Israel was initially established with a two-state solution in mind in 1948, i.e. the region is more or less devided in half with Jerusalem acting as a neutral zone. It was a good idea, yes. The U.N. agreed, the Jews agreed, Europe agreed, everyone agreed. The only people that did not were (shocker!) the Middle East. Keep in mind that Palestine was not even a country at this point, nor was it part of a country. It was a region, which is already enough to trash the idea that it was colonized. Anyway, the very moment Israel was established, all of their neighbors immediately attacked them. Their idea was to push the Jews into the sea, retake the region by conquest and slaughter all who remained. It didn't work, so they tried again in 1967. Then again in 1973. It never worked.
This is precisely why Palestine is as small as it is now. They and their neighbors constantly started useless wars that they kept losing. Israel simply conquered more land, just like every other country does during war, including yours. But in the modern era, Israel is the only country not allowed to conquer, or win any war for that matter, so who even cares?
(On a side note, if you care so much about giving back conquered land-uhh I mean, "stolen" land, then I suggest you leave the United States immediately. That was all Native land, after all. Don't wanna leave? Wow, imagine my shock!)
Then there's the topic of genocide, which is not only laughable but also a disgrace to survivors of real genocides that have occured during history. There is no genocide happening in Palestine and anyone who tries to push the idea that there is one is a moron. Israel has had the power to reduce the entire Gaza Strip, all 25 miles, into a smoldering pile of ash and dust within mere hours. They've had that power for decades, and yet Palestine still stands. Maybe, just maybe, genocide was not their plan.
For anyone unconvinced, can you show me the firing squads? Can you show me the mass graves? Can you show me the showers? Can you show me the systematic slaughter akin to a production line? Can you explain away the ever-growing population of Gaza and the West Bank? Can you explain away the 1.7+ million muslims living in Israel with equal rights, some of whom even participating in the Israeli government?
I'll give you real world examples of genocide and oppression happening in the Middle East: Saudi Arabia starving out tens of thousands of Yemenis, ISIS constantly attacking other Muslims, Arab dictators flaring up wars that lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, and more. Where were the flags for these? Why didn't everyone take to the streets, raise flags, burn their bridges and condemn the terror? Why is it only when Israel fights yet another unprovoked war that you accuse them of genocide and ethnic cleansing?
Regardless, all of this is simply what happens during war. People die. Innocents get caught in the crossfire. Is Israel innocent? No, of course not...they don't do nearly enough to lessen civilian casualties. But Hamas supporters seem to love justifications, especially regarding the civilian massacre that occured on October 7. What stops a more radical supporter of Israel from countering them by using the attack as justifications for the civilian deaths in Gaza?
(Another side note: I have witnessed, with my own eyes, people deny the October 7 attack ever happened at all. Let me repeat: I have witnessed, with my own eyes, people deny the October 7 attack ever happened at all. People like this make me physically recoil.)
Since the beginning, Hamas never stood a chance. I'm not one to conspire, but perhaps they knew that and chose to sacrifice their people just to demonize Israel; I digress though. Hamas supporters are perpetuating the suffering of civilians by screaming from the tops of buildings that Hamas "has to stop the evil Israelis". They can't. Like I said before, Israel has the power to wipe them all off the face of the earth without even trying.
Is Israel innocent? Again, of course not. They're too trigger happy for their own good and aren't doing enough to lower civilian casualties. Cutting off water and electricity was also a cruel tactic. But presenting Hamas/Palestine as an "innocent underdog fighting off an invasion" is extremely ignorant and proves that the average Hamas supporter on SpaceHey doesn't actually know what they're talking about. Palestine has the entire Arab world on their side. If you want an underdog, go back and read about those wars I just linked. Take a look at the beligerents and you'll be shocked.
I appreciate the screams for a ceasefire, assuming those saying it care about the lives of people on both sides. It is a fact that there are Palestinian citizens and Israeli citizens being caught in the crossfire, but the unfortunate truth is that a ceasefire just isn't that simple. Israel's goal is to remove Hamas from power due to the threat they pose, and Hamas' goal is the total annihilation of Israel and the Jews, as well as the call to Jihad. It's written in their charter. Hamas has been poking Israel for decades, leading to a never-ending cycle that always ended in a ceasefire that Hamas breaks shortly thereafter. Other Arab countries are supporting Hamas' goal by supplying them with weapons and labelling the deaths of civilians as martyrdom. Why do you think not a single country in the entire MENA region is willing to take Palestinian refugees, or why Hamas prevents anyone from leaving amidst evactuation orders?
As the leaders of Hamas kick back and relax in their luxury villas in Qatar, they're sacrificing their women and children in the pursuit to demonize Israel, and it's working. Swaths of westerners who don't know anything about the conflict eat it up like flies to shit.
Hamas supporters perpetuate the slaughter.
(Yet another side note: People like to point to the attacking of a hostage waiving a white flag as an example of the "ghastliness" of the IDF. Anyone who did more than five minutes of research would discover that all soldiers involved were reprimanded and that they acted upon free will. Using this as an example of IDF cruelty is simply misguided.)
Before I go, I'd like anyone reading to know that as I was writing this, news has broken that Hamas is firing rockets from cemetaries to turn the dead Palestinians into martyrs. They know Israel will counterattack with perfect accuracy, and then Hamas will roll over like a beached whale and cry "I'm a victim!". Supporters will eat it up without question.
Maybe take this as a lesson to think twice.
Displaying 4 of 4 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
i hope you see now the IDF shooting at civilians as they try to get flour to feed their families. and the IDF soldiers wearing women and children's clothes to mock them. and the man the IDF ran over with a bulldozer.
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Holy shit a reasonable post about the Israel Palestine conflict
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i fear you are too far gone. i hope you have a change of heart.
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Please open your eyes and pull your head out of your ass. Quit falling for shitty propaganda and open your eyes. Israel has always wanted to murder all palestinians, Hamas just gave them a 'reason' to finally go through with it. Quit using the buzzfeed and clickbait titles to justify your idealogy. You're wrong.
Twitter of all places (crazy I know) is more reliable than most news outlets at this poimt because they're actuallu covering things instead of repeating everything over and over. Israel is filled with genocidal officials who want to see the destruction of gaza, palestine, even those who have nothing to do with the conflict itself. They do it just because they're greedy and want to show off their power. You bringing up U.S like everyone doesn't already know the shit inside america just proves how little you ACTUALLY have on your side. Do reasearch on what's ACTUALLY going on in Israel and hpw they treat even their OWN people compared to how Palestine treats Israeli hostages.
You are the reason why people will continue to suffer endlessly because you want to remain ignorant. Educate yourself before you begin talking. It's not anyone else's job except your own to educate yourself.
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"Twitter is more reliable than most news outlets."
I can no longer take anything you say seriously.
by doki66; ; Report