Hello Again Reader,
The holidays can be tough for multiple reasons, but for those of us in the retail business it hits you harder. The most annoying thing is how early people insist on playing Christmas music. I’m almost already tired of it.
But maybe I’ll talk about the War on Christmas next time. For now – Greta Thunberg. Recently, Greta Thunberg has been protesting Zionism, but before that she was known for protesting “climate change”. Thunberg, and more broadly the media, pass her off as an innocent girl who bears the weight of the changing climate on her shoulders alone. This is total bullshit. Thunberg is the child of Svante Thunberg and Malena Ernman. Svante is a successful Swedish actor and author. To his credit, he originally opposed Greta’s school strike for the climate, but he allowed his daughter to take control of his life.
Svante’s father was Olaf Thunberg, a famous Swedish actor. On top of many Swedish movies and television shows, he also did voice over work for Swedish translations of American media, often staring as a lead role. He was Grumpy in “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, C.E.O. Henry J. Waternoose III in “Monsters, inc.”, and Shere Khan in “The Jungle Book”.
Greta’s mother, Malena, is a little more interesting. She’s a mezzo-soprano opera singer, she’s also performed chansons, cabaret, jazz, and appeared in a few musicals. She’s a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music. Melana’s career took off after Greta was born, and her husband stayed home to raise her.
Why do I mention all this? To show that Greta comes from a very privileged upbringing. I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I think it is a problem when the media paints her as just your average Swedish girl who bravely went on strike to save the planet. Greta is anything but average, which brings me to her mental illness. Greta, by her own admission, suffers from Asperger’s, OCD and selective mutism. I’ll attempt to take these one at a time.
Children with Asperger’s will have problems with social interaction and non-verbal communication, restricted interests, and repetitive behavior. Greta seems to only be able to focus on climate change, at least until recently when she found out she had a chance to help wipe the Jews off the face of the earth. She yells and screams and stomps her feat because someone convinced her the world is going to end tomorrow. This is a horrible thing to tell any child, but particularly horrible to tell a child who is on the autism spectrum. Autistic people often have a special interest (as I know you know). Greta’s special interest is protesting.
OCD is a particularly harsh anxiety disorder. OCD can have multiple symptoms, but the most interesting for our purposes is having certain thoughts repeatedly. Imagine thinking repeatedly “the world is going to end.” You can understand how this could drive anyone mad and push them to action. I think it’s reasonable to think someone was constantly reminding Greta of our climate “crisis”.
Selective mutism is fascinating, it’s an anxiety disorder that basically forces those who suffer from it to shut up in certain situations. In Greta’s words “That basically means I only speak when I think it's necessary. Now is one of those moments.” Greta would not be speaking on any subject unless she truly believed what she was saying could change minds and hearts.
One last disorder I want to mention is fetal alcohol syndrome. I was unable to find any hard evidence that Greta Thunberg suffers from F.A.S. However, I think it’s still worth mentioning because many online have pointed out her facial features heavily resemble those who suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome, and I tend to agree. People with F.A.S. might have many symptoms, but I'll only highlight the ones that stand out to me:
- Low body weight
- Difficulty with attention
- Difficulty in school
- Learning disabilities
- Speech and language delays
- Intellectual disability or low IQ
- Poor reasoning or judgment skills
- Shorter-than-average height
- Small head size
- Abnormal facial features
Looking at Greta, many of these symptoms stand out. Hearing her speak, the others do as well. But what does all this mean? “What’s your point?” I hear you asking. The main point is this: Greta is a victim and is being used as a tool to push climate politics. It’s not entirely her fault she believes what she does, it was clearly pushed on her, and her mental illness was used to make her passionate about the subject of human caused climate change. She’s a grown adult now though, so I feel comfortable writing about her now.
Greta, in the secular religion of the left, is the patron saint of climate change. Followers of this religion sell prayer candles, paint murals, and erect statues in her likeness. They worship the ground she walks on and hold every word that escapes her lips with bated breath. There are other patron saints of the left, but she is by far the most popular. Greta is a professional protestor, marching and shouting and crying because she fears the sun-monster, and the left loves it. They may not realize it, but she is a god to them. You might say environmentalism is the new religion of our age, but it’s the oldest religion there is. For millions of years man has worshipped nature, danced for rain, and sacrificed animals to Mother Gaia. I’m sorry to say we’re back to square one. Greta and her followers perpetuate the myth that the Earth is all we have, and that we must lay ourselves down at Her feat. We must sacrifice farm animals because they produce too much carbon dioxide. We must worship the sun and the wind to power our houses and cars. We must tear down our factories because Mother Gaia is angry and will seek revenge on us if we do not.
In recent months, Greta’s focus has shifted. She seems somehow less concerned with the climate and more concerned with the destruction with the state of Israel. Why this is I’m unsure, though I suspect someone wanted the spotlight back on her.
In conclusion, Greta is a bit of a nepo baby. I don’t think she would be as popular today without her parents' background. Greta suffers from many mental problems, which makes her a perfect weapon to push climate propaganda. Lastly, Greta is a religious figure, inspiring young people to return to paganism, and return to our knuckle dragging nature worshipping ancestors.
"The main environmental challenge of the 21st century is poverty. When you don't know where your next meal is coming from, it's hard to consider the environment 100 years down the line." ~Bjorn Lomborg
Until next time,
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dude this is so fucking creepy and gross. fuck your ableist propaganda-tinged faux concern you religious weirdo.