Bye Haterzz

Dude so many emo people on here and like…all you of don’t really understand how much we didn’t give a fuck. Like you want the style so bad but…we really didn’t care!!! Lol. Like we were made fun of our whole life and we still were the coolest people in the fucking school. 

Like I don’t know what made the generation after like 2000 so soft. But like we went hard. We’d literally fight people if they offended us, we didn’t fuckin cry about it on the internet. I mean yeah we did but we didn’t make a fucking culture out of. 

Like ok emo meant emotional but…like we weren’t fucking pussies. Like I have seen 5’5 skinny emo kids beat the fuck out of 6’2 200+ jock head idiots. I can’t explain it to you any other way. We went hard dude. That’s why I don’t get a lot of you on here are so politicized and fuckin wacky dude. WE DIDNT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT POLITICS! LOL!! 

Like OLD people gave a fuck about that, and we would die young…I will.

I just don’t understand it like I’m trying to make contact with my community that was lost, were we partied hard and rocked hard and didn’t give a fuck and life was the best because no one gave a shit. Yeah we sometimes cried but we made music out of it. Now everything’s like…evil. 

Like people expect to have the world fucking care…but we knew it didn’t. And everyone’s pissed about the smallest things, like. 

When we were fucking pissed it’s cause our like…parents beat us or were drug addicts/alcoholics that’s why a lot of people turned Emo when I grew up, cause it made sense. And I grew up in New Jersey, the literal birthplace of Emo.

Now it’s like…”omg my dad made a microaggression at me cause he dead named me/called me the wrong pronoun 😞” like what? The fuck? Dude grow the fuck up. Yeah respect is one thing but…there’s like perceived abuse and actual abuse, and I feel like everyone these days wants to be abused so they can play the victim card and EXPECT people to care??? 

Like, when WE grew the fuck up! NO ONE CARED! And that’s why we made the scene! We made it for eachother. Not to like…make the world conform under some totalitarian control system of linguistics and media. 

We were AGAINST that shit. We weren’t…actually liked? 

So like yeah I appreciate a lot of you coming out and appreciating the Emo style, but you have to really understand what it was and what it did…

We made it for eachother, so we had eachother. We didn’t give a fuck what others thought! The style was literally an F You to the world! NO ONE dressed like that…now people want to hop on to have an “aesthetic” so they’re cool cause everyone has a fucking aesthetic these days.

Ok cool.

But know that the style was more than hair and clothing, it was a lifestyle.

So get out there! Be cooler to others. Stop bitching and being insufferable to be around, be nice to everyone, don’t talk shit, and stop giving a shit! Being emo means you’re fucking cool. Stop being a weirdo no one enjoys being around cause they’re afraid to upset you. That shit is trash 🗑️🔥

Love OG Elder

Sean the Great

35 Kudos


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spasmolytic's profile picture

as someone whos is the 'new' generation of emos,, I completely agree. but to be fair,, it probably seems like that mostly because the people you see on here & other socials complain about dumb stuff and shit aren't the majority,, they're just the ones who want attention the most and thus are the loudest and most visible. it's hard to find genuine people on the internet, especially within groups such as subcultures, because at this point due to tiktok microtrends and echo chambers the term emo has become so convoluted most people these days don't even know what it means, or care.

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Sean † Christ

Sean † Christ's profile picture

For those confused, I’m basically just telling people to be confident in themselves and stop making their own problems everyone else’s problems. Just a little while ago that was the mainstream thought process.

Yes have emotions and cherish them but it’s not the worlds fault that you are not confident in yourself.

This isn’t some “anti-trans” or “anti-gay” post . This is an anti-insecurity and anti-toxicity post .

I fucking supported gay marriage back in 2011…back when gays literally did not have that right.

Please do not lash out at me with your politically and socially indoctrinated mind. Kindly fuck off with that shit .

I’m trying to help you guys feel good about yourself not badly about yourself.

Love, Sean

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al3afy(FREE PALESTINE)'s profile picture

New copypasta dropped

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Thanks :/

by Sean † Christ; ; Report


Moru's profile picture

"we where shitty people so im gonna get mad at you for not being shitty anymore!!!!!!!!!"
i'm not even emo this just sounds stupid

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Not really. Saying man the fuck up and not be a little bitch is solid advice. Lol you will get ran through if you do not. Im only looking out for people you’re not. 🤷🏻

by Sean † Christ; ; Report

i've been doing just fine in life being a decent human being lol, idk about you

by Moru; ; Report

Yeah, me too.

by Sean † Christ; ; Report


rumor's profile picture

kys lol

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likes ur comment

by _wraithboye_; ; Report

No . Cry about it

by Sean † Christ; ; Report


P0LTERGEIST's profile picture

I don't see the correlation between the new itterances of Emo Culture and today's newgen online 'softness' - or at least the _sensationalized_ perception of said softness.
That "Boo hoo, kids nowadays are softies made out of glass" complaints happen everywhere and have happened since the dawn of humanity and the coining of generational differences.

Times change. The same Emo vs. Jocks fights you had during your youth (or other things like any kind of diary or physical medium where you could exteriorize your thoughts and emotions) just moved to online platforms.
Times changed, you grew up and now that you are out of the sphere in question (age-wise, not the style as a whole), you don't feel familiarized with it and you don't relate to it anymore - it's not about "you" anymore, and that brings you conflict because you don't understand; it's natural to feel aversion to what you can't comprehend.

And, sure, the Internet nowadays is a reactionary hell-hole filled with buzzwords and that is mostly fueled by the sociopolitical and cultural tomfoolery that seethes out of the American bubble into more international ones. If it seems like everyone complains more nowadays it isn't because people are exponentially sensitive, but because we now have a broader access to platforms where to raise said concerns - people in your times complained too, they just weren't spread as much in comparison, and if you don't wanna hear/read said complaints just... block the posts and curate your algorithm better to get yourself out of spaces predominated by minors online.

And, hey, that "my dad did a microaggression, he deadnamed me and used the wrong pronouns" thing? That just outright sucks - you really just picked up cronically-online-esque buzzwords to make them sound coherent to trash on the kids, when identity invalidation is an ongoing issue in general. That's a whole 'nother topic, but... it's ironic how even in alt-culture communities it's still perpetuated, given the 'acceptance of the different' ideals many of them represent(ed) in their definitions.

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“you don't relate to it anymore - it's not about "you" anymore, and that brings you conflict because you don't understand; it's natural to feel aversion to what you can't comprehend.”

LOL I love when edgelords say shit like this online it’s like pseudo Freud when it gives deep otaku “anime villain” edge lord vibes.

Yeah emo was ours and I’m trying to give it to the youth genuinely. I always will be emo; ive always been apart of it LOL it’s not going anywhere?

Just cause a bunch of kids thought we looked cool and decided to look like us doesn’t mean they don’t get to hear what the actual members of said community thinks about them. LOL go start your own movement? Or are you really not original enough for that?

Also that last part about identity…you’re basically validating insecurity. If you’re insecure in your own skin about how you’re born then you need therapy, not a bunch of child molesters telling you to become apart of an extremely sexualized cult hive mind which reaffirms said insecurity with self mutilation.

If you want to dress a certain way ok, but you will always be what you were born. You will never be something you are not. And that’s ok.

And that’s what I hate about people like you.
trans and queer kids suicide rates are astronomically high. This would not be coming from a community who actually took part in “love” or self love.
“Jocks” or steroid abusers have been bullied for years by people in recent years. Being a “cis”, especially white, male gets you unreasonable hate for being the way you are. Something whom the ones bullying them ACTIVELY PROTEST FOR!

…but you know what? Somehow, suicide rates from these communities has had only a minor increase probably due to increased global population. You know why? Self Love and Security. These communities are build upon accepting the realities of life.
And before you go on about how “oh that’s because the world/government was made for white men” you fail to forget that for the past 10 years it has NOT. It has been a world for LGBT and POCs. Every multi-billion dollar corporation, and western world government promotes their ideas and actively makes laws supporting them. Fine! No problem.

All I’m saying is, maybe if you taught people to LOVE themselves instead of teaching them to hate themselves and tell them “the world hates them” then maybe more of those kids would be alive.

I sure as fuck won’t partake in the active suicide of a younger generation. That was specifically one of the reasons why emo was made.

But ay! Fuck yourself. 👍

by Sean † Christ; ; Report

emo was built on non conformity and outliers. emo was built on not fitting in and retaliating. queer kids will always be outliers, no matter how much “pandering” you think there is in the world. nobody groomed young queer kids into their identities, they explored it for themselves. you ARE the oppressor that queer emos don’t like.

by quinninhell; ; Report

also, “self mutilation” is an extremely biased way of wording gender affirming surgeries. a sweeping amount of people don’t regret surgery/hormones. i agree with everything in this post except for the part about gender identity. agree to disagree, but respecting and understanding identity is crucial.

by quinninhell; ; Report


riv's profile picture

real shit

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Gray's profile picture

I have vague memories of the statement "Emos of the 2000s/2010s grew up to either be gay or be part of the alt right" I cannot remember the context of this or where I heard it but it feels more true along with being true about the new gen of emos.

I feel like life is just too focused on politics and the internet is a breeding ground of egotistical and manipulative behavior, mix all those things up and you get kids who never got to experience disagreements and chaos whining when they aren't the center of the world for a moment, with politics being used as an excuse for something.

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Idk about the gay or alt right thing I’ve never heard that. But I agree with everything else.

I think it’s cool the younger kids are keeping emo alive like goth is being kept alive.

But unfortunately yes I agree politics driven social media which are more than likely government psyops have ruined both of these communities where back when they originated they had little do with politics but rather freedom of expression which was more social than political.

People conflate social movements with political movements because the lines drawn so close but social movements are a way of life and political movements are a way of law.

I hardly understand how an entire social movement based around freedom from law have become centered around dictating law.

It’s fucking nonsense quite honestly.

by Sean † Christ; ; Report


hamburger's profile picture

I barely read it but No cap man

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by Sean † Christ; ; Report


zx's profile picture

And im zx What's up guys

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And im kanye west

by Guest 2439; ; Report

Crack .

by Sean † Christ; ; Report


✮P1tterPeace✮'s profile picture

co-signed, because that was some real shit you said. ✍️

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Okk .

by Sean † Christ; ; Report

Crash Test Dummy!1

Crash Test Dummy!1's profile picture


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Ay .

by Sean † Christ; ; Report


👻 KEM✪︎ 👻's profile picture

real asf

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Tank u :3

by Sean † Christ; ; Report


Zombie_boy's profile picture

The entire history of how alternative culture was founded: I’m I a joke to you

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by Sean † Christ; ; Report


BR00KEBR00T4L's profile picture

omg i completely agree

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Tanks .

by Sean † Christ; ; Report


gutsfordinner's profile picture

amen. its a shock to the system for me to see people who are goth alt emo dressing alternative wearing chokers, but are the most mentally and emotionally fragile ppl you've ever encountered. if they were really about that life, they wouldn't put so much stock in getting validity and acceptance from the outside world. hardly any of them accept themselves.

semi-related to that are the wannabe social justice activists with 0 political knowledge, 0 books read, 0 grasp on history, 0 original thoughts, but the same black lives matter/dni if you're racist and transphobic bio as the rest of those weirdos. like how are you alternative but you look and sound like a dime a dozen clone? i could respect it if they knew what they were talking about but they don't, they repeat facile talking points they got from someone else, so that they don;t get yelled at for being transphobic or something.

sorry for the rant and i could go on and on cause i can't stand these mfs, but this post 200% resonated with me.

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Nah you really fucking nailed it. I’m just waiting for goth/emo to go out of style and see these same people change their entire persona again.

Or have a new youth of emo/goths/alt adopt the style and throw these new aged wannabes out.

Either way I’m honestly sick of it. I’m also sick of blatant racism/hatred to white males and heterosexuality when white men and heterosexuals made the entirety of the style that these people adopted themselves into. It’s absolutely revolting and makes me want to vomit.

Rock on. 🤘

by Sean † Christ; ; Report


Aevisia's profile picture

Welcome to the Gen Z internet! xD To be honest, I feel like everything got bad after 2020. Before that point things weren't all that bad from what I remember but after 2020, everything went to hell in every direction. I could have cared less about politics before that point as well, but after 2020 it changed. Probably because 2020 and the years to follow were so highly political for so many different reasons, now we're all just kind of stuck in that mode. Sometimes I wonder if we're even living in the same dimension because things are so vastly different now than they were only a few years ago. We're not living in the same world.

It's been slowly cultivating though, I think it mainly started when big tech started censoring everything that's considered "offensive" probably played a big part in people becoming so soft. We all use the internet, and we're all part of big tech platforms. Big tech defines our culture online, which is very important to note and be aware of. Big tech and how they run popular platforms has such a major influence people don't even realize. I remember when Youtube used to be a really great creative place for people to express themselves, but sometime between 2015-2017 they started demonetizing creators for talking about certain things or saying certain words, videos that didn't align with what they wanted promoted started getting shadow banned / hidden in the algorithms and a lot of other social media platforms started adopting these same corrupt practices that smother people's freedom of expression, only pushing out the things THEY want everyone else to see. Seems like from that point onward, people started getting really soft, especially the younger generations who didn't grow up watching more outspoken content creators who had dark sense of humors, and for us millennials that was normal. Us millennials really got to see a version of the internet before the big tech takeover. Kids today can't handle what we grew up with and will cancel creators who make dark humored or colorful jokes that were never meant to be "offensive". People were just not so uptight back then and could laugh at themselves and other people without it being personal. Big tech and politics has cultivated a culture where EVERYTHING is personal, nothing is lighthearted, and no one can laugh at themselves or others without it being offensive in some way.

We also have fact checkers now on Facebook that have been proven they are just "protected opinions", not facts. Can't say certain words, everything has to be "politically correct" all the time and in line with certain narratives. Like wtf is "politically correct" anyways? Everyone being afraid to speak their mind, while only speaking what is approved by certain narratives? Most thoughts and ideas are not harmful, most thoughts and ideas are only harmful to the narratives they threaten. Big tech and politics have become a war to obtain influence and the minds of people.

Anyways, all that to say, big tech and politics have had massive influence over people the last few years. I'm thankful to see so many people resorting to movements like the indie web and the web revival. Even though so many of us have vastly different opinions and are still dealing with the collective trauma that was cultivated the past few years, divided us to such extremes and made people soft. The common thing that brings us all together here is that we remember a time that was better, when big tech, advertisers, politics, etc didn't have so much control over us and we still had our humanity. This pocket of time that we remember was a time when WE the PEOPLE cultivated our own culture. Not big tech, not politicians. We had freedom of expression and could express our creativity and thoughts freely and nobody cared. I think it's going to take awhile for us to get back to a place where we're all more at ease with each other and learn to lighten up again, not take everything personal, but it's a seed and we just gotta keep watering it, and hopefully more people will catch onto this movement, leave big tech platforms, and break free of these influences that seek to control narratives and ultimately people's minds.

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"now we're all just kind of stuck in that mode" you put it perfectly there. i think a lot of the people getting hurt easily are children though because thats what makes up the most of the drama makers online and we should be more worried about adults being butthurt. however a lot of people misconstrue actual things that people do for being soft when its actually a reasonable reaction to messed up shit. i would argue there is a lot of confusion when it comes to this and thats why theres so much drama. there are two both extreme ends and the extremes seem the loudest and get the most attention because of it.

just a personal example: the people that say everyone is "soft" and cant handle a joke when they are calling victims of childhood sexual assault "weak" because they are trolls. theres a difference between dark humor and messed up shit. they get mixed up a lot with people making normal dark humor and im sure you can see where that could go wrong. on the other extreme theres people who think you cant be lighthearted and poke fun at other types of people. they get offended on others behalf when those people in question dont even care. its just like walking on eggshells.. i think they just dont know how to healthily debate either. most toxic people like this just end up saying "kys" or attack other peoples personality when they cant healthily debate.. and again tying back into how most of these people are young teens and everyones been sorta dragged in a very politically sensitive world on both sides it makes sense. nobody can maturely argue about certain topics because its just in the limelight now especially among younger people and youre expected to be either side of the extreme

by x.{finn}.x; ; Report

That's a really good point, and I think you're right about a lot of it being kids and teens whom still have a lot of mental development to go through. And I agree it seems like people feel like they gotta choose each side between extreme politics views and we really don't have to. Even with it being between Trump and Biden for example, if people don't like either, why not just not vote, or vote independent? If the majority isn't happy with either of the choices, it's okay not to choose either. You can also have views in both fields and be really reasonable, but you can't win because the tribalism in those extreme groups loath you if you don't 100% agree with all their ideals.

I miss when things were simpler. Seemed like before 2020 there wasn't so much tension. There was a little here and there, but nothing like these past few years from hell. I blame the government and media for that because they really set people against each other and cultivated a lot of hatred, division, and discrimination the past few years, telling people to shame their friends and family and worse. That's not their place to try and influence people's personal relationships. Even Hollywood seeded a lot of hatred that way. I remember celebrities were really vocal and telling people not to follow them if they were a certain political leaning (essentially, they were partaking in the "do not interact with me if you are so and so" culture) or publicly criticizing people for making various choices they disagreed with; these are people that hold mass influence, so when you have celebrities, government, media, etc all encouraging hatred and division between people, it really affects our culture. I've never seen it so bad. It caused divorces, entire families to fall apart, long time friendships to fall apart, people to lose their jobs, it was devastating. I'm not really sure where we can even begin to start recovering from how it affected people and return back to a place where we can all just relax again. I do think places like Spacehey and the Web Revival movement are great places to start, online anyways. Away from controlled big tech and their manipulative algorithms, away from all the various political narratives, away from major influences, etc. I feel like if we can create spaces of our own that are separate from all of that where we can express ourselves and just start seeing the humanity in each other again, we can start to heal.

As for being soft, I understand what you mean. I don't really know what the solution to this is because it really is like what you said, there are some situations that are valid, and then there are situations where it's like people just get upset to get upset and we feel like we have to walk on egg shells all the time, so there's really no winning. We can't even rationally discuss certain topics with each other because for many, ANY type of disagreement = automatic hatred/bigotry, even if that was never the intent. That's such an unhealthy mindset. How are we ever to resolve disagreements and bridge the gaps in our society if we can't even rationally talk to each other and try to come up with compromises that make everyone happy? In an age where we have all these different methods of communication at our fingertips, collectively we severely lack effective communication skills and conflict resolution skills. :/

by Aevisia; ; Report

we didnt do anything, gen alpha are the ipad babies

by 🐷; ; Report

Sean † Christ

Sean † Christ's profile picture

Uhm before you get tight about the pronoun dead naming shit, places like California Michigan and Canada will literally fine you/throw you in Jail if you deadname someone or use the wrong pronouns…please look it up.

For a bunch of people who are anti jail and anti capitalist it really makes no fucking sense to use those same exact control systems for your bidding. You’re gonna FINE people 10k for using the wrong pronouns when people are already broke cause of corporate capitalism…yeah really good job dude you’re rocking the system! If you’re mad at me about that, you can go fuck yourself! You’re an idiot! LOL

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im all for using peoples pronouns just like id use their name, but jail is too much. im not sure what lgbt person signed whatever law into effect that would make people go to jail for that or be charged with a crime. im going to definetly look into this but honestly its so ridiculous it has me wondering if it might be done by a person whos against lgbtq people so they can make them seem stupid and easier to attack. like any reasonable lgbt person wouldnt think that calls for jail time or a felony. definitely not any i know

by x.{finn}.x; ; Report

now its still harassment but it depends on the situation. there is a lot of nuance with these things. i hope people can just respect transgender individuals but its not always the case. whatever punishment would come from harassing someone should be given to people refusing to call someone the right name. its just not a serious enough crime to be fined or go to jail though

by x.{finn}.x; ; Report

Harassment is a felony and can end in jail.

I’m personally against policing and strict jail sentences either way, which is exactly what I thought the left wanted?

by Sean † Christ; ; Report

not sure whos making these decisions at this point

by x.{finn}.x; ; Report