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Category: Blogging

Do we need men?

Judging from the titlie some of ya'll (lower) life forms will get enraged while you (superior) people will agree with what i half to say.

The answer is YES, of course we need men. we need men more than a child with cancer who wants a cure. The other qestion is do we need wemon? yes we do. When some E girl or s*icide squad member says "men are brainless and useless we can do with out them" i'm like oh really?

tell me this who builds all the houses you live in? who built big businesses from the ground up to produce your make up just so you can look like a damn clown? and who  gave you the social media platforms in the first place so you can  rant about men? MEN DID! anyways men are useful they do all the jobs the wemon dont/cant do. i highly dought any karen wants to be a plumber or spend her days attending to the kitchen- whoops sorry THEY AREADY DO THAT!! jokes aside men do the jobs nobody wants because sombodys gotta do it. yeah sure MAYBE wemon would pick up the slack and do these jobs if men just dissapeard one day but even then how would they reproduce and yes i know about the bone marrow baby thing (if you know you know, dont look it up) but even then theres a 50/50 chance that your kid might come out looking like thanos. you dont see (from what i've heard) men complaining about wemon like they need to go, thats because we want you here and you'll thinking yeah because you cant live with out us and thats ture but in the end we help each other in a way that helps us thrive. Men are useful and so are wemon.we do ineed need wemon and yes even the toxic ones, because they give us somthing to laugh at. 

just remember there are only 2 genders. 


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Esmus's profile picture

nobody says men are useless in a literal manner, we're constant in need of each other as specimen, you're a man (as I conclude from your post) and I'm sure there must be times you'll be in need for a technician or a plumber and so on since I won't name every job there is. Who builds the house? men, but your architect might be a skilled woman as well.
I hope you get my point without me literally typing it out word by word since I already wrote it literally in a sentence here.

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erth2ex’'s profile picture

gender? i hardly know her

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