the Church literally says that we're gods

The indomitable human spirit is  real.

Even though it was so memed to death, I cannot express enough how real it is, and people have to know this. It's written in the Holy Scriptures, it's written in the minds of the philosophers, and it's written even in the hearts of the greatest people who have ever lived.

Let me explain:

In Christian Catholic Theology, there's this concept called the "Resurrected Body", simply put, it's our body, but instead of the body limiting the Spirit/Soul, the Soul commands the body. Which means, whatever the soul wills, the body obeys.

Now hold on to that thought and be enlightened dear reader, there are qualities to these resurrected bodies:


The third quality is that of "agility", by which the body shall be freed from its slowness of motion, and endowed with the capability of moving with the utmost facility and quickness wherever the soul pleases. The Apostle says: "It is sown in weakness, it shall rise in power" (1 Corinthians 15:43).

The fourth quality is "subtility", by which the body becomes subject to the absolute dominion of the soul. This is inferred from the words of the Apostle: "It is sown a natural body, it shall rise a spiritual body" (1 Corinthians 15:44). The body participates in the soul's more perfect and spiritual life to such an extent that it becomes itself like a spirit. We see this quality exemplified in the fact that Christ passed through material objects.


Really fucking crazy right?

Well that's not all, there are ways to replicate this resurrected body, and in fact, even Jesus Himself, literally God Himself (if you're Christian). Emphasizes how important the replication of the resurrected body is. “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41)

Well I mean He didn't say it directly but He implied it, but that's besides the point.

I just wanted to say dear reader, that you're an indomitable Godly being, and I mean that in every sense of the word. Your spirit, your indomitable human spirit was given and mandated by God Himself so that YOU!! could represent His power on earth. You have power to master over your own body and over creation and that's honestly so cool.

Though the whole thought of the indomitable human spirit isn't like, all written and done within that one doctrine and verse, there are many proofs that such a concept exists in.. idk.. but ik there are proofs out there!!!

4 Kudos


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kvzi's profile picture

Anti Catholics and Anti religionists pls shut up and get away from me, you're not welcome here <33

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deploygirlfriend's profile picture

Christianity is one hell of a rabbit hole, although I have studied a bit of it in my life, mostly involuntary but it helped me learn how ridiculous the bible is. I am not a person of religion, I am more spiritual, but I want to give my thought on this.

From a pentecostal point of view (because that is how I was raised, but I do not believe it); Jesus is the only God worth focusing on, pentecostals believe that. And Jesus, despite coming to Earth and taking all of our sins only to be rejected by THE God, still kicked his way out of Hell to go back to the godly land he came from.
We can only assume he was born/created as a God before coming to Earth to experience life as a human, as a soul trapped in a vessel, only to be banished to Hell by his own creator but still make it out.

If we think about it and the scriptures in your post, it makes sense that we could go into the godly land... In fact, it might even prove the idea of us originating as angels (Godly beings), because Jesus was once one.

Thus, not only are we just gods trapped in flesh vessels, but there's almost no reason to fear Hell... because even Jesus, as a human, couldn't avoid sinning in his flesh, we are all bound to go to Hell, but if he could escape, we can, too.

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Crazy how the last paragraph that you said literally sums up the purpose of the whole Paschal Mystery (the Death and Resurrection of Jesus) that we have the power to "escape" hell the same way Jesus did. Though the belief that we were angelic beings was condemned (I think, I just know that there's a set Catholic doctrine about it), there's still some truth to it though considering that the human soul is quite literally from God.

And also the godly land that you speak of is the Garden of Eden, iirc Catholic theologians and philosophers say that the ultimate destiny or "want" of all mankind is to return to the Garden of Eden, but because of Eve eating the fruit, the only destiny we have is to hell, but then the whole Paschal Mystery reverses that "curse".

by kvzi; ; Report


kvzi's profile picture

i dont like religious posting honestly but mf the concept is so cool i jst cant help it

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