I cant do beheading videos!!

My friend showed me a video of the Mexican chainsaw beheading today. 

I've seen a lot worse yet this made me squirm. 

I have a thing with necks, like im always on guard as if someone's going to plunge a machete right into my neck

Makes me gag

Anyway he also showed me a video of someone peeling off their toe nail, pouring gasoline on the red googey under nail and lit in of fire in the bathtub. Then they used a nail Filer to sand it into powder and snorted the toe nail up. 

I couldn't stop laughing and we where in school so the teacher had to tell us to shut the fuck up.. Oh well. 

Anyways I love my friend and they have deeply changed my life. 

Idk what his wpd user is but I'd give it. He has pictures of his cats, one has down syndrome. It did biscuits on my eyelid when we where sleeping, and I have a scratch there now. It hurts when I blink. 

I love his cats x3

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Starvix's profile picture

What an awful and twisted friend <3 I'm sure you two are lucky to have each other.

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My friend isn't awful or twisted. He doesn't show me anything he knows I'd be disturbed by. If anyone says anything about them again I might actually explode shut the fuck up!!!!

by Brody; ; Report

I apologize if that came across as insulting, my friend. I meant it as a compliment, and I'm sure your friend means no harm and is conscious of your boundaries. I simply call them awful based on societies norms, in which someone who shares that type of content would be seen as particularly bad. I have no issues, and myself find entertainment in videos like that as well.

by Starvix; ; Report

They don't support murder or ever plan on recipitating the actions of those peope, they want to be a doctor I think.

by Brody; ; Report