My favorite artwork

We're currently tasked with studying one of our favorite artworks in my art history class, so here's me talking about the creator of mine. 

Her name is Patricia Piccinini, an Australian artist who creates incredibly life-like sculptures out of a variety of materials, sometimes containing human hair. She works with different professionals to translate her visions. 

One many people might be familiar with is the sculpture which blew up online for its depiction of what a human would look like, should they be designed to survive car crashes. His name is Graham!

The artwork I chose to analyze is called The Comforter, in which Piccinini shows two outcasts finding comfort in each other. A little girl with werewolf-syndrome, and a mutated cow's utter. The mutant is inspired by research done into genetic engineering, and I just love how gross and weird it looks. There's nothing I love more about art than when it disturbs anyone who doesn't give it the time of day.

Here are some more of these weird figures:

Okay so that's it from me. Hope someone takes away something from this, or looks this artist up.  

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